Pat Robertson: A Influential Figure in American Christianity - Dies at age of 93

Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson is a prominent figure in American Christianity, known for his multifaceted career as a televangelist, media mogul, author, and political commentator. As the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and the host of "The 700 Club," Robertson has played a significant role in shaping the landscape of evangelical Christianity in the United States. In this blog post, we will delve into the life, beliefs, and impact of Pat Robertson, exploring both his contributions and controversies.

Early Life and Ministry

Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson was born on March 22, 1930, in Virginia. He came from a deeply religious family and attended Yale University, where he earned a law degree. Following his studies, Robertson felt a calling to the ministry and founded the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, which would become one of the largest Christian television networks in the world.

"The 700 Club" and Media Influence

One of Robertson's most significant contributions to American Christianity is his long-running television program, "The 700 Club." Since its inception in 1966, the show has served as a platform for religious discussions, news, and interviews, reaching millions of viewers worldwide. Robertson's engaging style and charismatic presence have made him a trusted and influential voice within the evangelical community.

Political Involvement and Controversies

Beyond his religious work, Pat Robertson has been actively involved in politics, particularly through the Christian Coalition, an organization he founded in 1989. He has been a vocal advocate for conservative values, often espousing his views on issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and religious freedom. These stances have garnered both support and criticism, with some praising his commitment to traditional Christian principles and others challenging his positions as divisive and exclusionary.

Controversial Statements and Backlash

Throughout his career, Pat Robertson has made controversial statements that have generated significant public attention. Some of his remarks, such as his claim that the 9/11 attacks were a result of America's moral decline, have drawn widespread criticism. These instances have sparked debates about the influence of religious figures in politics and the potential ramifications of mixing religion and public discourse.

Philanthropy and Humanitarian Efforts

While Pat Robertson has faced criticism for his controversial statements, it is important to note his philanthropic endeavors. Through organizations like Operation Blessing, Robertson has spearheaded humanitarian efforts worldwide, providing aid during natural disasters, supporting orphanages, and funding various charitable initiatives. These acts of kindness and generosity highlight another aspect of his legacy and demonstrate a commitment to helping those in need.


Pat Robertson's influence on American Christianity cannot be denied. His entrepreneurial spirit, media presence, and involvement in politics have positioned him as a key figure within the evangelical community. While his beliefs and actions have sparked both admiration and controversy, Robertson's contributions to Christian broadcasting and his philanthropic efforts have left an indelible mark on the religious landscape. As with any influential figure, his legacy is multifaceted, and opinions about him vary. Regardless, Pat Robertson's impact on American Christianity and the wider cultural discourse remains a topic worthy of examination and reflection.

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